Fortunately, there are plenty of easy alternatives to equipment-heavy at-home workouts. You could always try a plank workout or master the squat — both exercises will help keep you fit, get your heart pumping, and aid stress management. But if you have a set of stairs in your home (or building, or nearby) you can also try a stairs workout. Stair exercises include cardio and strengthening moves, giving your whole body a workout, and (maybe best of all) they can be done in just a few minutes. If you’re looking for a way to exercise at home, try a stairs workout: This one takes just 15 minutes and will exercise your whole body. Read on for five stair exercises, diagrams, how-tos, and more for your quick, tough at-home stairs workout. But here, she has created a plan that’s ideal for those just learning how to start working out. All you need is a staircase with about 15 steps, indoors or out. (Rocky sound track optional.) For best results, pair with stretching exercises after to keep your muscles loose and ready for the next workout. (A) Lift your right knee to your chest, then quickly step back to the starting position. (B) Step down to the floor with your left leg, positioning it behind your right, then do a lunge (with your right knee directly over your ankle). Quickly step back up, left knee to chest, and return to the starting position. Do 12 reps, then do 12 more on the other side. (B) Slowly lower your rear by bending your arms at 90 degrees. Press back up to the starting position. This is one rep; do 10. Now run up the stairs, then walk down. Do 10 more dips. (A) Place your left foot on the far-left end of the second step. (B) Follow with your right leg, bringing it to the far-right end of the fourth step. Continue climbing, taking the stairs two at a time with wide steps while keeping your head up. To boost the calorie burn, swing your arms and engage your abdominals as you go. After reaching the top, walk back down. That’s one rep. Do one more. (B) Bring your left knee to your left shoulder, then return your foot to the floor. Alternate legs, bringing your right knee to your right shoulder, then returning your foot to the floor. That’s one rep. Do 12 without pausing. (You’ll feel as if you’re running in place.)