I’ve tried everything from skipping dairy to red light therapy in my quest to achieve clear skin. Not everything has worked, and there certainly hasn’t been one life-changing product. But like the cocktail of factors that lead to acne, a combination of tactics is necessary to fight it. By practicing good habits and taking the right precautions, I’m at least able to reduce the severity and duration of my breakouts and enjoy a few good skin days here and there. Here are the most effective dermatologist-recommended habits to avoid acne in the first place. “Diet can absolutely be a culprit for acne and many skin conditions,” says Julie Russak, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Manhattan. “Gut health is extremely critical for our overall well-being, including skin health. Restoring gut health reduces overall inflammation and stimulates healthy gene expression.” Refined grains, sugar, dairy, and high glycemic foods are known to cause acne in certain people. Even wine and cocktails can lead to pimples as alcohol converts to sugar in the body, which sets off an inflammatory cascade that’s a known acne trigger, says Dr. Russak. Before you drop an entire food group from your diet, though, remember that everyone’s skin reacts differently. While ice cream may cause your bestie to break out, it might have no effect on your skin. Dr. Russak suggests that her patients undergo food sensitivity testing in order to understand their bodies clinically and implement lifestyle changes to feel their best. Talk to your doctor to determine your triggers. “Much adult acne is also due to hormones and stress,” says Dr. Russak. “Stress leads to increased cortisol levels, and that, in turn, can influence hormonal distribution. Stress-induced acne can show up as just one big pimple in the middle of your forehead, or as hormonal acne, which is usually located in the lower face along the jawline where we have the highest concentration of oil glands with hormonal receptors on them.” Compared to whiteheads that typically come from external inflammation, acne from stress is caused by internal inflammation and results in inflamed, large cysts, says Dr. Russak. To treat these deep cysts, Dr. Russak recommends colloidal bandages, retinol, and warm/ cold compresses. Harsh drying products such as benzoyl peroxide will only dry out the surface of the blemish and further irritate it. “Stress-related acne needs to be treated with two types of routines—one that controls the current breakout and a maintenance routine to control the excess oil (that occurs with stress) to prevent future breakouts,” says Kavita Mariwalla, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York. Destressing is easier said than done, but start by considering the sources of it Take stock of your current situation. Are you experiencing emotional stress or physical stress, like not sleeping enough? What are small ways you can relax during the day, like exercising, meditating, or simply scheduling some downtime? Your skin and mental health will thank you. Breakouts typically occur seven to 10 days before your period. This is when estrogen (which keeps skin clear) drops while testosterone and progesterone spike. This combination leads to increased production of sebum, so your skin gets more oily and is prone to clogging. “Right before ovulation and during your period, make sure to get enough sleep, stay hydrated, and avoid known acne triggers, such as gluten, sugar, and dairy,” says Dr. Russak. If your hormonal breakouts are still out of control after taking these precautions, Dr. Mariwalla suggests consulting a board-certified dermatologist about taking medications like spironolactone or certain birth control pills known to regulate the hormonal flux and keep acne at bay. Plus, sleep is the time when the body repairs and restores the skin, so logging in a few extra hours will ensure your skin looks healthy all around. And remove your makeup before your workout. Exercise can open up your pores, allowing the makeup and bacteria that you’ve built up over the day to enter and clog them. Don’t forego sunscreen for outdoor workouts, though. Neutrogena Clear Face Liquid Lotion Sunscreen for Acne-Prone Skin is Real Simple’s top pick for not clogging pores. If you’re prone to bacne, especially around your sports bra straps, you’ll know the importance of regularly washing your gym clothes to ensure you aren’t spreading the bacteria. Start with moisture-wicking fabrics like wool, polyester, and nylon. And don’t forget to clean your equipment like yoga mats to prevent pimples from popping up along your body. Sarah Perkins, founder of the skin journal Skinstory, says journaling and discovering her triggers has made her feel in charge of her acne. “Before journaling, I would panic when I got a breakout. But now I know what’s going on,” she says. “So I can get back on track.”